Abbelight Sample preparation range consists of a ready-to-use device and reagents, designed and optimized to make sample preparation steps easy, robust and reproducible.

Abbelighttm Smart flow

for an automated workflow sample preparation

It is an easy-to-use automated workflow system dedicated to the accurate and reproducible preparation of samples for fluorescence microscopy.

• Fits any experimental design to prepare samples for fluorescence microscopy
• Intuitive, time-saving, and easy to use: Individual process can be created, saved, and recalled quickly for a run
• Enables long-term perfusion studies such as multicolor PAINT imaging

Abbelight Smart buffers

for an optimized nanoscopy STORM imaging of samples

Using Abbelight Smart buffer range is an easy way to induce optimized fluorophore blinking of adherent and non-adherent cells, compatible with a wide range of commercial dyes.

For fixed and adherent cells

Abbelight™ Smart Kit Buffer :
STORM Mounting buffers for optimal fluorophore photoswitching for adherent cells

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For Non-adherent cells

Abbelight™ Blinking pad :
Imaging kit for cell immobilization and STORM Mounting buffers inducing optimal fluorophore photoswitching for non-adherent cells

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Both buffers are:

  • Easy to use

  • Time saving

  • Reliable (results)

  • Compatible with sevral commercial dyes (AF ® 647, AF ® 555, CF ® 660, CF ® 680 and much more…)

Compatible dyes

  • AF ® 532, CF ® 532

  • AF ® 555, CF ® 555, AF ® 568, CF ® 568, MemBrite™ 568

  • AF ® 647, CF ® 647, CF ® 658,CF ® 660, AF ® 680, CF ® 680, MemBrite™ 640

Abbelight tm Smart
mounting kit

Achieve optimal fluorescent imaging on non-adherent cells

The Abbelight™ Smart Mounting kit is designed to immobilize your biological structures on the coverslip allowing you to perform fluorescence microscopy under optimum conditions.

Pad kit :
Imaging kit for cell immobilization and mounting for WideField,
TIRF microscopy and PALM

  • Easy to manipulate
  • Reduce the fluorescence background compared to standard immobilization coating
  • Compatible with PALM, PAINT and microscopic imaging

Abbelight Sample Preparation Kits

Need to prepare perfect samples without having to go through the long and tedious process of protocol optimization? The Abbelight Kits are developed for that.

Abbelight™ Smart Staining Kit: for fixing, labelling and imaging of your fluorescence experiments​.
It is a turnkey solution designed and optimized to obtain optimized, high-quality samples.

  • Easy to use
  • Optimized and standardized protocol
  • Compatible with all fluorescence microscopy
  • Optimized for STORM imaging
  • Large choice of structure and dyes available for various customer needs (Tubulin, Clathrin etc…)

Customize your Abbelight Smart Staining Kit with with either one, two or three colors.

Abbelight™ Smart EVs Kit: It’s a ready-to-use kit to capture, label and image your EVs.

  • Ready-made solutions to easily capture all your EVs ​
  • Robust and reliable sample preparation
  • Well known and validated capture groups
  • Customizable

Abbelight™ SAFe Sample

Need pre-prepared standardized samples to calibrate your system for optimal alignment ?

Abbelight samples for SAFe platform are ready-to-image slides for calibration and training on your Microscopy and Nanoscopy systems.

  • Ready to image slides
  • Saves time
  • Standardized structures
  • Optimized for fluorescence microscopy

Abbelight Smart Cell Sample :
Cell samples compatible with Fluorescence microscopy and specially compatible with STORM imaging for calibration and training.

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Abbelight Smart Calibration Samples :
Calibration Sample of beads in gel, optimized for the calibration and the settings of multicolor and TIRF microscopy experiments.

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