The CODIR Mug Shots
Jean-Baptiste Marie

Nicolas Bourg

Sandrine Lévèque-Fort

After completing a thesis on acousto-optical imaging at ESPCI, she conducted a post-doctorate on time-resolved fluorescence microscopy at Imperial College, London. In 2001, she joined CNRS to develop innovative concepts in fluorescence microscopy applied to the observation of various biological issues. Since 2009, she has been focused on overcoming the diffraction limit and proposing new modalities for super-resolved fluorescence microscopy. In 2016, she co-founded Abbelight with her former PhD student Nicolas Bourg (CTO), Jean-Baptiste Marie (CEO), and Emmanuel Fort. She received the Irène Joliot Curie-Femme Entreprise prize in 2020 for the successful transfer of her work and was named Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Mérite in 2022. Since 2017, she has served as the co-director of the GDR ImaBio. Her current developments in the nanoscale observation of living cells have recently been supported by an ERC Advanced Grant (2022).
Emmanuel Fort

His research focuses on wave-matter interactions, innovative imaging and optical detection techniques for biomedical applications. At the intersection of physics, biomedicine, and technological innovation, the primary objective of his research is to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms at work within the body, facilitating the refinement of diagnostics and therapeutic treatments. This is particularly evident in his work involving fluorescence microscopy and plasmonic sensing for biological and medical applications. He pioneered several innovative super-resolution techniques, such as supercritical angle fluorescence and modulation localization microscopy. He developed nanostructured materials for applications in microarray sensors and fluorescence enhancement. Additionally, he pioneered hydrodynamic quantum analog. His major contributions extend to the field of time-varying media, using water waves as an original playground. He received the Denis Diderot Innovation Award and the Jerphagnon Prize. Holding nine patents, he has also published 80 peer-reviewed papers in international journals.
Kim Soerensen

Mr. Soerensen has a proven track record of driving product commercialization, revenue growth, building and strengthening of business units, and establishing strategic partnerships with key stakeholders and customers.
Kim Soerensen holds a M.Sc. in molecular biology from the Technical University of Denmark, and Business education from the Mercuri International Business School™, QIAGEN and the Management Institute of St. Gallen.
Working for international corporations and small to midsize start-ups, Mr. Soerensen has managed direct- and indirect businesses in EMEA, North America and APAC.
Valentina Caorsi

Throughout her career, she has maintained a keen focus on designing and developing microscopy and fluorescence techniques aimed at studying cell functioning. Her exposure to interdisciplinary environments has positioned her as a scientist at the intersection of physics, biology, and chemistry.
Valentina joined Abbelight in May 2018 with the aim of contributing to the further development of nanoscopy and other imaging tools required by the scientific community. Since June 2021, she has served as the head of the R&D department, overseeing and managing research developments at Abbelight.
Frédéric Onado

Fred is proud and delighted to have joined Abbelight as Director of Operations in June 2021, aiming to consolidate and accelerate Abbelight’s international success.